Boost sales and grow your local eCommerce business with Facebook Ads

2 min read

FahadMay 1, 2023
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Total Ad Budget: $7,500

Ad Budget Allocation:

    1. Facebook Message Ads (75%): $5,625
    1. Website Purchase Campaign (25%): $1,875


1. Facebook Message Ads ($5,625):

a. Goal: Engage potential customers directly through Messenger, providing personalized assistance and recommendations. 

b. Targeting: Focus on local audience (age, location, interests) and create custom audiences based on website visitors and past customers. 

c. Ad creatives: Use AIDA/AIDCA and PAS strategies to create eye-catching images and videos showcasing your products, along with compelling headlines and copy that encourages users to start a conversation. 

d. Ad format: Use Click-to-Messenger ads to drive users straight to a Messenger conversation with your business. 

e. Messenger experience: Implement a chatbot to handle frequently asked questions, provide product recommendations, and guide users through the purchasing process. Ensure a seamless handover to human support when necessary. 

f. Retargeting: Retarget users who engaged with your Messenger ads but did not make a purchase, offering special promotions or incentives to encourage a sale.

2. Website Purchase Campaign ($1,875):


a. Goal: Drive website traffic and increase sales through optimized ads targeting purchase intent. 

b. Targeting: Utilize lookalike audiences based on your best customers and leverage Facebook’s interest-based targeting to reach potential customers with a high likelihood of making a purchase. 

c. Ad creatives: Use AIDA/AIDCA and PAS strategies to showcase your top-selling products and highlight any promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers. Use strong calls to action to entice users to visit your website and make a purchase. 

d. Ad format: Use a mix of a single image, carousel, and video ads to reach your audience with varied content and test which format performs best. 

e. Conversion optimization: Optimize your ads for the ‘Purchase’ event to ensure Facebook’s algorithm targets users most likely to buy from your website. 

f. Retargeting: Retarget website visitors who did not make a purchase, showcasing the products they viewed and offering limited-time discounts or incentives to encourage them to complete their transactions.

Track and measure the performance of your ads regularly. Make data-driven adjustments to your targeting, creatives, and budget allocation to optimize your campaign results and maximize ROI. By combining AIDA/AIDCA and PAS strategies within your Facebook ad campaigns, you’ll create a comprehensive and persuasive customer journey that captures attention, builds interest and desire, and ultimately drives more conversions for your local eCommerce business.

FahadMay 1, 2023
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